While Kellen was drinking his drink he was in his stroller and Alivia was walking for a little bit and kept coming up to the stroller to see Kellen it was funny :) But made Kellen want to get out and walk of course! lol
Kyle put Kellen on his shoulders for some of the day and of course Kellen loved it!! It helped him see the elephants and any other animals that were hard to see, and he also loves slapping daddy on the head :) Mommy can't put him on her shoulders because he just pulls her hair, but daddy's head is fun to slap apparently!!!
They have a carousel ride there and of course Kellen wanted to go on it!! We were watching it for a little while and he just sat there grinning and pointing the whole time haha so we finally went on and he had SO much fun! Alivia wouldn't go on without mommy behind her and then just sat back against Brittany the whole time but Kellen got right on and held on sitting up I didn't even have to hold him! ( i did but i didn't really NEED to lol) He literally had a big open mouth grin the ENTIRE ride!! it was so fun! Kyle stayed off to take picture but the rest of us went on. Once the ride was over I tried getting him off and he got so mad! He held on SO tight i was trying to pull him and he was horizontal holding on for dear life haha I wish we would have gotten a picture but it was so funny! Finally I had to pry his fingers off the pole and he was crying it was sad! He loved it!
Kellen loved going up to the glass and looking at the animals, he would always turn around with this huge smile with a look like "Mom! Do you see that??" I LOVE that look :)
Near the gorilla's they have a huge statue gorilla and Kellen and Alivia were playing on it. When we tried getting the pictures Kellen was just smilin away but poor Alivia wasn't having it!
Kellen's favorite animal was probably the giraffe's :) They were eating the grass pretty close to us and Kellen loved it!!!! I did too haha giraffe's are awesome :)
After the zoo and the kids were exhausted! we all went to the old spaghetti factory to eat dinner and the kids are so funny every time we go out to eat, they love playing and stealing each other's food, here's a perfect example!
We'll definitely be going back to the zoo! Kellen had such a blast and it was such a nice family day which we don't get all that often anymore!