Wednesday, October 13, 2010

6 months!!!!

Kellen turned the big 6 months old on the 8th!! Just this past month he has learned so many new things!!! He now sits up by himself and is now almost crawling already!! He has learned to scoot funny lol. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks forward and backward (trying so hard to crawl) and then lunges himself forward to get where he wants. It's funny but so scary!! Like I said, he gets on his hands and knees now, he knows how to move his knees forward but hasn't quite got the hands down yet.... But I know it will be so soon!!

Kellen has had a couple play dates this month!! 'our neighbors and I made a deal to watch the others' baby once a month so we each get a turn for a date night. This last week it was our turn to watch their baby. Kellen had a blast! He was so interested in the baby and so was Traxton! I also started doing a girls night every Tuesday and a couple of the girls have babies, so Kellen is making lots of friends already :) Kellen now loves Trax even more now!! He loves watching Traxton's tail wag, he gets the biggest kick out of it! Traxton has a way with making Kellen happy when kyle and I can't seem to make him smile. I love having such a great dog!!

Kellen had his Dr. appt the other day, and is in the 50% for his height (26.5 in.), 25% for his weight (16 lb. 7 oz.) and 10% for his head... poor guy still has a tiny head like mommy. He is super healthy and right on track! We still love being parents and each day gets more and more fun watching him grow so fast!!